Bluetooth Technology
Bluetooth Technology Introduction: Bluetooth is a technology which is used to connect devices. It is a wireless technology. It is used all over the world. Bluetooth was invented in 1989 by Nils Rydbec k, CTO at Ericsson Mobile in Lund, Sweden is. In short Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that allows you to connect two devices directly without the need of wireless router or access point. Uses of Bluetooth It is used to connect devices. It is used in remote controls in TV, Music System, Radio Control toys and other devices. It's used in Bluetooth Threating. It helps to transfer files between two devices. It is used to play multiplayer mobile and PC all over Bluetooth. How to pair devices using Bluetooth. e How to use bluetooth: We start with, in notification area, click open action center button or we use windows key with A key. Then we go to quick action area and click the connect button. Then all the enabled devices will appear in the ...